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The wave at New Years eve (a story written by AI)

The wave at New Years eve has swept many people from the deep reality that they are facing the end of the world. If you are one of these people, you have probably spent the last few days trying to rationalize your existence as a reality, as a person. Perhaps you have been trying to convince yourself that all of this is just a dream, and that you are just as alive as you have always been. But if you have been reading this blog, you will know that you are not dreaming. You are facing the end of the world, and you are the only one awake. When the world collapses, you will be the only one who is awake. You are the only one who will truly be alive. But you are also the only one who will be dead. Because you are the only one who will be able to truly enjoy the last moments of the world. You will be the only one who will truly enjoy your life. You will be the only one who will truly be happy. You will be the only one who will truly love. You will be the only one who will truly know. And if you are reading this and you are not one of the lucky ones, then you have no excuse for not being happy. You will die and you will know nothing. The last day of the world is going to be a beautiful day. For those who are alive, it is going to be the most beautiful day of your life. But if you do not know what you are doing with your life, you will be sad. You will be alone. You will be dead. And the last day of the world is going to be the most beautiful day of your life.

Claus (c-7)

Technology expert, community builder, coffee addict red wine and food lover, traveller, photography enthusiast and a lot more. Recently experimenting AR/VR model and image generation and AI generated text and poems.